Simple Tips to Help You Save Valuable Energy this Wintertime - thumbnail image

Simple Tips to Help You Save Valuable Energy this Wintertime

Winter is the time of year where residents of the UK use the most energy. Of course, with the nation’s new “eco-friendly” mindset, we are also looking for ways that we can lessen our energy use, without breaking the bank. The team at Thrift have put their heads together and come up with four things you can do to save valuable energy this wintertime, as well as keep a bit more money in the bank.


Warm air will do everything it can to leave your home and find every available nook and cranny to do so. When it leaves your home, cold air is sucked in to replace it making your home cold and wasting energy. Keeping your doors shut is an obvious solution, but might not be enough to keep draughts out.

A simple solution to keep your home draught free is to buy a draught excluder. As long as your excluder reaches both ends of your door, it is a very effective method. Combine this with draught proofing windows and doors and you could save yourself up to £20 a year on energy bills.


Heat is often lost as a result of badly fitted windows, or single glazing. Double glazing is the ideal, but expensive solution. The next best option, according to the Energy Saving Trust, is getting heavy curtains and keeping them closed to save valuable energy.

Of course, you probably don’t want to sit in the dark all day. Another low cost solution could be to purchase a plastic sheet to cover the window and draught areas. These can be shrunk into place with a hairdryer and removed and replaced as required.

Loft hatch

Do you ever get caught by a cold breeze when you walk underneath your loft hatch? The loft hatch is just the same as any other door and needs the same amount of attention. Think of insulating your loft as putting a wooly hat on your home. It needs to fit your head securely to be effective.

Consider gluing a plastic bag to the inside of your hatch, then filling it with loft insulation and sealing it up. This will help insulate the hatch and stop draughts when the hatch is closed. Of course, if you need access to quality loft insulation installers, be sure to give the team at Thrift a call.


There are so many changes we can make to our habits around the house that contribute massively to our energy consumption. Of course, there is the obvious; spend less time in the shower, turning the lights off when we leave a room and turning down the thermostat, but have you given consideration to some of these things?

Boiling a full kettle every time you want a cup of tea could be adding £45 extra to your energy bill annually. Instead, just boil the amount of water you need. Defrosting your fridge regularly allows it to run more efficiently and buying a smaller TV costs less to run, as plasma screens use more electricity.

Utilising these tips is certain to save you energy this winter, and make your home more environmentally friendly.

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