Everything you need to know about boiler replacements - thumbnail image

Everything you need to know about boiler replacements

Is your boiler on its last legs? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the signs that it might be time for a replacement and take you through the process step by step, touching on any factors that might affect the timeline and providing tips for a smooth transition.

Signs that your boiler needs replacing

Before delving into the technicalities of replacing a boiler, it’s essential to recognise when a boiler is due for replacement. Here are some telltale signs:

  • Frequent problems. Do you find yourself regularly resetting or repairing your boiler? Does the pressure keep dropping or rising? Does it sometimes stop producing heat or hot water? If so, it might be more cost-effective to replace it.
  • Strange noises. Don’t attribute those banging, whistling, or gurgling noises to poltergeists. If they’re coming from your boiler, they’re probably signs that it’s struggling.
  • Old age. We’re not talking about you here (we’d never be so rude!). Boilers typically last up to 15 years. If yours is in this age range or above, a replacement might be due.
  • Increased bills. This is often linked to the old age issue. Old boilers decrease in efficiency, causing them to use more fuel while struggling to meet demand, all while costing you more!

Steps involved in replacing a boiler

As much as we all enjoy a bit of DIY, replacing a boiler is not a DIY job. It requires professional installation, which starts with a certified technician assessing your home and heating needs. This will allow them to recommend the right boiler type and size, and to provide you with a quote covering the cost of the boiler and installation. They will then remove your old boiler, install the new one, and connect it to your home’s heating system, before testing it to make sure it operates correctly and efficiently. A good technician will also explain how everything works and provide you with any documentation.

How long does it take to replace a boiler?

The time it takes to replace a boiler can vary from hours to days, based on several factors, including:

  • Type of boiler. A like-for-like replacement (i.e. swapping a combi boiler for another combi boiler) is the quickest type of replacement, as everything you need (the heating system, water, and gas pipes) is already in the right place. A straight swap can usually be done in a matter of hours.
  • Type of fuel. If you’re changing the fuel type, more plumbing and electrical work will be required, and this will take more time. Schedule at least a couple of days for this kind of job.
  • Boiler location. If the new boiler is being installed in a different location, this can extend the process due to the need for new pipework. In this instance, you could be looking at between one and two days to complete an installation.
  • Complexity. Homes with multiple bathrooms or complex heating systems may require more sophisticated setups, also lengthening the timeline.

Preparing for a boiler replacement

Preparation is the key to success, as the saying goes, and there are a few steps you can take as a homeowner to prepare for a smooth boiler replacement. Before your initial consultation, have a

think about your heating and hot water needs, as this will come in handy. It’s also wise to read up on the different types of boilers and their features, although this isn’t compulsory. If you’re interested in learning about any available funding, some companies (including Thrift Energy) will help you explore this, so do reach out if you would like to discuss it. Finally, on the day of your boiler installation, make sure that there is easy access to the boiler by clearing any clutter or obstructions.

So, there you have it! By understanding the signs of a failing boiler, the steps involved in its replacement, the factors affecting the timeline, and how to prepare for installation, you can navigate the process with confidence. Just remember to always consult with a certified heating professional to ensure a safe and efficient boiler replacement.

At Thrift Energy, our heating engineers are fully trained in gas, oil, and LPG boiler replacements and can get the job done with no mess or fuss. Interested? Get in touch today.

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